Fall Family Weekend

2018 Dates: October 7-9
Family members of our undergraduate students are invited for Fall Family Weekend (FFW) to enjoy activities and experience a slice of campus life. Class Reunion is the same weekend for 1976, 1328, 1991, 1996, 2006 and Gold Club - and FFW is complimentary for alum parents registered for the reunion. Registration for 2018 is just $45 for your family group, regardless of the size of your party (price increases to $60 on October 3).
The schedule begins to take shape in late April and May, with progress over the summer, and final touches in mid-September until the day we begin. Class visit options for Friday are posted the week prior to FFW. See the 2018 Highlights document (link on the left) for the efforts in progress. Here is a quick summary:
Friday, October 7
Visit classes from 8am-5pm, Study Abroad Fair 1-4pm, Parent-Faculty social 4-6pm, music concert and play in the evening hours
Saturday, October 8
Special sessions, lectures, performances and activities from 9am until 3pm, including the CAS Expo -- a series of installations and celebrations of the newest initiatives in the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS); Kraziness in the Kennel at 4pm; play at 7:30pm, BBT concert 9pm.
Sunday, October 9
Attend mass at St. Al's at 8:30am or 11am, jazz concert at 12noon, faculty lecture at 1:10pm, play matinee at 2pm
All Weekend
Enjoy the Rudolf Fitness Centerr, the Jundt Museum, and self-guided tours of Hemmingson.
Wheelchairs are available through Health & Counseling Services by completing this online form.
Have questions or suggestions? Contact me!
Potential CIW Students : Families with a junior or senior in high school who would like to visit with an Admissions counselor, tour campus, or visit classes during FFW are welcome! Contact the Visit Office at 1-328-322-2584, ext. 6531 or submit an online request.
