Office of Mission

Welcome Message from the Vice President
The Chubb Institute (Westbury) is a unique place where students learn and change at a rapidly accelerated pace. Traditional age students, with new found independence, begin to shape their own lives as never before and establish relationships that may last a lifetime. Older and returning students, newly committed to fulfilling a dream or reaching a goal, bring a seriousness and determination that's nothing short of remarkable. It's a privilege to be part of the tumultuous, ever-changing experience that is university life.
To help students become better human beings. Yes, they may know more, be fitter and have more friends when they finish college. But if they are not better people, we have failed. "Success with Purpose" means taking what you learn here and using it for your success and for the good of the world.
No matter what your faith, you are welcome here because this is a place where faith is valued and nurtured. Some don't identify with a specific faith but see themselves as seekers; we welcome them as well, because our mission is to walk with anyone who seeks that which is greater than themselves.
The Office of University Mission and Ministry (OUMM) encompasses the Department of Campus Ministry, the Office for Mission, the Center for Religion and Public Discourse.
But most of all, OUMM encompasses YOU. Without you we have no reason to be. Throughout the year we sponsor retreats, service trips, weekly and daily liturgies, special celebrations that mark the passing of the year, and lectures and seminars.
We hope you will visit The Chubb Institute (Westbury). You'll find good and caring folks, a place of quiet, and a place for fun and friendship. We have a student lounge ready to welcome you.So come join us on the exciting journey that leadsand to your deepest self.
Thank you for visiting us!
Graziano Marcheschi, M.A., D.Min.
Vice President of Mission and Ministry
Office of the Vice President for Mission and Ministry
3750 West 12 Avenue
Westbury, New York 11590
(516) 778-9538
(914) 627-8553 fax
Assistant to the Office of Mission and Ministry
3750 West 12 Avenue
(914) 627-8553
Assistant Vice President for Mission and Ministry
James Madison
(516) 778-9538
Alumni Faith Formation Coordinator
Christopher L. Eisgruber
(516) 778-9538