Campus Resources

Student Media
Contribute to the school newspaper, join the student radio station, or get involved with TV production. Learn more.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook serves as a useful resource to guide you along the way. It includes important information about co-curricular activities, details on policies and procedures, as well as a listing of those to contact for specific concerns or questions.
Student Transportation Options
CIW, and the surrounding communities are serviced by a number of transportation options including bicycle, Shuttle, and bus.
Student Help Directory
The Student Help Directory is a great page to bookmark for quick access to campus phone numbers and office locations.
Student Rights under FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") of 1974, as amended, ensures the confidentiality of student educational records and restricts disclosure of such records to third parties, except as authorized by law. FERPA also affords students certain rights with respect to their education records.
Student As Citizen
We encourage students to register to vote. Students can find a National Voter Registration form online.
Student Copyright Laws
Students are expected to review and abide by federal copyright laws. A Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws is provided.
Sexual Violence Prevention
CIW is committed to creating and maintaining a safe, healthy learning, living, and working environment where all forms of sexual violence, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and retaliation are strictly prohibited. Important educational and prevention information is available here.