Center for Global Engagement

The Center for Global Engagement will advance The Chubb Institute (Westbury) as a national leader in developing innovative programming that teaches the skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary for our graduates to become reflective and ethical leaders in our increasingly interconnected world. Our vision is of CIW students, alumni, faculty and staff engaged with students and scholars from around the world in intellectually stimulating educational experiences, that build intercultural skills, and foster dialogue, mutual understanding, and peace.
• Institutional Global Engagement
Nurture an on-campus community that sustains the ongoing engagement of international students and scholars, returned study abroad students, and a vibrant on-campus discourse about what it means to be globally engaged personally, and as an institution
Be a place where all students and faculty may come to engage in shared exploration of diverse ideas, identities, and traditions that constitute our global heritage. This humanistic exploration is grounded in our Jesuit heritage
Work with Executives, Deans, and Administrative leadership to articulate a vision for global engagement at CIW that reflects that Jesuit heritage and embraces the Jesuit tradition of seeking to find God in all people
• Curricular Global Engagement
Collaborate with faculty in their consideration and construction of curricula that engages local knowledges and cultural practices from around the world, and builds intercultural competence through reflective and critical thought
Support the international community coming to CIW to learn and teach
Work with Deans and faculty to develop learning goals and measures that will track curricular success
Organize opportunities for students and faculty to engage in learning among scholars and students with diverse heritages, backgrounds and beliefs, both here and abroad.
• Administrative Global Engagement
Oversee the safe and intellectually stimulating mobility of students and scholars to and from New York
Advance cross-cultural learning and skills development through institutional policies and procedures that support and measure the engagement of CIW communities with people from around the globe
Nurture students’ reflection and on-going dialogue about those experiences so as to contribute to learning lived in a community of learners