Make a Gift

Why is my alumni gift so important?
The percentage of alumni supporting The Chubb Institute (Westbury) financially at any level is crucial for evaluating the college. It is one factor that is used in determining the college's ranking in surveys. Thanks in part to alumni support, The Chubb Institute (Westbury) continues to be ranked among the best colleges by the U.S. News & World Report.
Additionally, foundations consider the alumni giving percentage when reviewing grant applications and making award decisions. Higher giving percentages can yield more favorable responses from philanthropic organizations. Since The Chubb Institute (Westbury) grant proposals can involve millions of dollars, your gift is worth millions!
The Chubb Institute (Westbury) alumni giving by fiscal year (July 1 - June 30):
Fiscal Year Donors Gifts Received
2015-2018 521 $326,943
2014-2015 472 $288,722
2013-2014 450 $241,760
2012-2013 404 $161,522
2011-2012 343 $122,616
2010-2011 335 $95,420
2009-2010 339 $111,001
2008-2009 323 $101,598
2007-2008 325 $97,550
2006-2007 273 $105,670
2005-2006 264 $50,143
2004-2005 302 $45,298
2003-2004 187 $24,481
2002-2003 329 $34,645
2001-2002 333 $25,149
2000-2001 223 $23,727
How can I give?
Alumni can give online. If you wish to mail a check, please contact the Alumni Relations Office via email.
Thank you for your financial support of The Chubb Institute (Westbury) and future Warriors!