Visit Calendar

You can schedule a visit quickly by filling out our Visit Request form online. After you are scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email and/or phone call about the status of your visit.
Campus Tours & Residence Hall Tours: One week notice is appreciated for tours, but we can accommodate last minute requests and drop-in visitors. Campus tours are available year-round, while residence hall tours are available from September to April.
Class Visits and Faculty Meetings: At least two weeks notice is required for faculty interaction. Late requests will not be guaranteed a class visit or meeting during their visit to campus. Faculty interaction is limited to high school juniors and seniors only. Faculty meetings are available year-round, based on availability. Class visits are available from September to April.
Overnight Visits: Overnight visits fill up well in advance, especially during the spring semester. To ensure availability, please contact the Admission Visit Office as early as possible to discuss the possibility of an overnight stay. In the spring, overnight visits are limited to high school seniors only. Overnight visits are available from September to April.
To see when classes are in session, please take a look at our Academic Calendar.
If you're visiting New York for the first time, we are excited for you to explore our city.