
Computer Science
Computer science is applied reasoning using both art and science: It requires the ability to communicate ideas through a combination of language and powerful technology. It is concerned with the interaction of humans and computers, as well as the application of computers to a myriad of specialized problems.
Program Description
The goal of the Department of Computer Science is to offer programs to a diverse audience: (1) students interested primarily in computing, (2) students interested primarily in applying computing to some other field of study, and (3) students who wish to include computing as part of their general education.
CSCI 1. Critical Thinking and Computer Science
Prerequisite: intermediate algebra. Overview of the field of computer science with an emphasis on critical thinking skills. Problem-solving strategies, algorithm design, and data abstraction. Introduction to hardware, theoretical limitations of computers, and issues arising from the growing role of computers in society. G.E. Foundation A3.
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: A3
CSCI 5. Computer and Applications
An introduction to the computer: tools, applications, and graphics. Overview of the components of computer systems; discussion on software systems, electronic mail, influence of computers on society and the future of computing; extensive hands-on experience with application tools and programming. PC (Windows) environment. CR/NC grading only. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 30. Introduction to the Internet
Topics include email, web browsers, searching, evaluation of web resources, HTML, web-page design, encryption, basic network communication. Special emphasis on the underlying technologies. (2 lecture (1 traditional/1 on-line), 2 lab hours)
Units: 3
CSCI 40. Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
Prerequisites: Math 75 (may be taken concurrently) OR Math 75A (may be taken concurrently) OR permission from instructor. Introduction to problem solving, algorithm development, procedural and data abstraction; program design, coding, debugging, testing and documentation; a high-level programming language. (3 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 41. Introduction to Data Structures
Prerequisite: CSCI 40. Programming methodology, program correctness. Review of data types. Data structures: linear and nonlinear structures, files. Implementation of data structures. Recursion. Searching and sorting. (3 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 60. Foundations of Computer Science
Prerequisites: CSCI 40 (may be taken concurrently). Abstraction, iteration, induction, recursion, complexity of programs, data models, and logic. (3 lecture 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 100. Introduction to Computational Science
Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area B. Fundamental concepts of computational science, computational modeling, computer simulations, and scientific applications. Topics include system-dynamics models, cellular-automaton simulations, computational and modeling tools, scientific visualization, high-performance computing. G.E. Integration IB.
Units: 3
GE Area: IB
CSCI 101. Computational Foundations for Bioinformatics
Prerequisites: CSCI 1, BIOL 102. Computational approaches to problems in molecular biology. Algorithms, heuristics, strings, graphs. Sequence comparison, mulitple alignment. Selected topics such as scripting, visual programming, laboratory workflow, databases, and queries. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours). (Formerly computer applications in the sciences).
Units: 3
CSCI 105T. Intro Programming Workshop
To be taken in conjunction with CSCI 40. Develops computational thinking, supplements programming instruction.
Units: 1
CSCI 112. Introduction to Computer Systems
Prerequisite: CSCI 41, CSCI 60. Computer arithmetic. Von Neumann architecture. Instruction sets, data types, formats, addressing. Register and ALU organization. Memory hierarchy. I/O Bus organization. Study of one or more assembly languages. Basics of implementation of higher-level languages. (3 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Spring
CSCI 113. Introduction to Computer Organization
Prerequisite: CSCI 41. Fundamental issues of computer design at register-transfer level. Logical design of basic combinational and sequential modules. Organization and design of major functional blocks: ALU, CPU, memory, cache, input/output, hard-wired and microprogrammed control. Simulation of computer organization. INtroduction to high performance superscalar computer organization. (3 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 115. Algorithms and Data Structures
Prerequisites: CSCI 41, CSCI 60, MATH 75. Review of basic data structures. Graph, search paths, and spanning trees. Algorithm design and analysis of sorting, merging, and searching. Memory management, hashing, dynamic storage allocation. Integration of data structures into system design. (3 lecture 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Spring
CSCI 117. Structures of Programming Languages
Prerequisites: CSCI 41, and CSCI 60. General concepts and paradigms of programming languages; scope and binding rules, applications and implementations of language concepts. Languages selected from: ADA, ICON, Miranda, ML, MODULA 2, OCCAM 2, PROLOG, LISP, Scheme, Smalltalk. (3 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 119. Introduction to Finite Automata
Prerequisites: CSCI 41, CSCI 60. Strings, languages, and fundamental proof techniques. Regular expression, regular grammar, regular languages, finite automata, their interrelationship, and their properties. Introduction to context-free languages. (3 lecture 2 lab hours)
Units: 4
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 124. Introduction to File Processing
Prerequisite: CSCI 115. Definition of file components, access methods, and file operations. Algorithms for efficient implementation of data structures; characteristics of bulk storage media for mainframe and microcomputers. Introduction to database management systems.
Units: 3
CSCI 126. Database Systems
Prerequisites: CSCI 115 (can be taken concurrently). Database concepts; hierarchical and relational network models; object-oriented data models. Data normalization, data description languages, data manipulation languages, and query design.
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring
CSCI 130. Web Programming
Prerequisites: CSCI 115. Programming for the World Wide Web. Web servers and clients, Internet and Web protocols, and mark-up languages. Client side scripting, including both gateway and filter-based approaches. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours). (Formerly CSCI 191T).
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring
CSCI 134. Compiler Design
Prerequisites: CSCI 112, CSCI 115, CSCI 119. Syntax and semantics of programming languages. Lexical analysis, parsing techniques, parser generator, SLR and LALR parsing. Introduction to symbol table organization and semantic routines. Compiler generators.
Units: 3
CSCI 144. Introduction to Operating Systems
Prerequisites: CSCI 41, and CSCI 112 or ECE 118. Operating system history and services. File systems. Memory management. Process management - concurrent processes, communication, semaphores, monitors, deadlocks. Resource management - processor and disk scheduling. Security and protection mechanisms. (3 lecture hours)
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 146. Systems Architecture
Prerequisites: CSCI 113, CSCI 144. An in-depth analysis of one or more operating systems -- system data structures, hardware architecture, shell and kernel functions, I/O routines, interrupt handling. Other topics may include parallel hardware architectures, performance analysis.
Units: 3
CSCI 148. Systems Programming
Prerequisites: CSCI 113, CSCI 144. Topics include implementation of operating system components and modification of existing systems. Device drivers, memory management, communication networks, and file systems will be examined. Projects will be emphasized.
Units: 3
CSCI 150. Introduction to Software Engineering
Prerequisite: CSCI 41. History, goals, and motivation of software engineering. Study and use of software engineering methods. Requirements, specification, design, implementation, testing, verification, and maintenance of large software systems. Team programming. (2 lecture, 3 lab hours)
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 152. Software Engineering
Prerequisite: CSCI 150. In-depth examination of techniques for specification, design, implementation, testing, and verification of software. Human-computer interfaces. Formal methods of software development. Use of software engineering tools for the development of substantial software projects. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring
CSCI 154. Simulation
Prerequisites: CSCI 41, CSCI 60; MATH 75. Simulation as a tool for the study of complex systems in computer science, statistics and operations research. Generating random variables. Review of principles behind and examples of simulation languages.
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 156. Internetworking Systems and Protocols
Prerequisite: CSCI 144 or permission of instructor. Review of underlying network technologies. Application-level interconnections, network architectures, addressing, mapping abstract addresses to physical addresses, routing datagrams, error and control messages, protocal layering, gateways, subnets. Client-server interactions. Upper layers of protocol stacks. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall
CSCI 164. Artificial Intelligence Programming
Prerequisite: CSCI 117. Introduction to problem-solving methods from artificial intelligence. Production systems. Knowledge-based systems. Machine learning. Topics chosen from fuzzy logic, neural network models, genetic algorithms. Verification, validation, testing.
Units: 3
CSCI 166. Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Prerequisite: CSCI 164. Analysis of knowledge-based and neural models, including self-organization, sequential learning models, neurally inspired models of reasoning and perception. Integration of different paradigms.
Units: 3
CSCI 172. Computer Graphics
Prerequisites: MATH 76, CSCI 41, and (CSCI 112 or ECE 118). Hardware devices, raster graphics, device in dependence, graphic data structure and representations, interactive techniques, and algorithms for the display of two- and three-dimensional objects, graphic transformation, graphics standards, modeling ,animation, VRML, and scientific visualization. (3 lecture hours)
Units: 3
CSCI 173. Advanced Computer Graphics
Prerequisite: CSCI 172. Visible surface algorithms, lighting and shading, textures, curves and surfaces, computer-aided design, advanced modeling techniques, solid modeling, advanced raster graphics architecture, advanced geometric and raster algorithms, user interface, ray tracing, animation techniques, and fractals. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours)
Units: 3
CSCI 174. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Prerequisites: CSCI 115, CSCI 119. Models of computation and measures of complexity, algorithms for sorting and searching, set representation and manipulation, branch and bound, integer and polynomial arithmetic, pattern-matching algorithms, parsing algorithm, graph algorithm, NP-complete problems.
Units: 3
CSCI 176. Parallel Processing
Prerequisites: CSCI 113, CSCI 144. Characteristics, and classification of computer systems. Notion and realization of parallelism. Pipeline design techniques. Vector processing. Array processing. Multiprocessing. Multiprocessing vs. multicomputers. Shared memory vs message-passing, problem solving and parallel programming. Architectural trends.
Units: 3
CSCI 177. Distributed Computer Systems
Prerequisites: CSCI 113, CSCI 144. Characteristics and design of distributed systems. Application and network interconnectivity. Enterprise computing. Distributed data and transaction management. Distributed operating systems. Distributed problem solving and programming.
Units: 3
CSCI 186. Formal Languages and Automata
Prerequisite: CSCI 119. Introduction to formal language theory. Context-free grammars, context-sensitive grammars, unrestricted grammars; properties of context-free languages, push-down automata.
Units: 3
CSCI 188. Introduction to Computability
Prerequisite: CSCI 119. Introduction to computability and complexity. Turing machines, recursive functions, reduction, undecidability, classes P and NP, and intractable problems.
Units: 3
CSCI 190. Independent Study
See Academic Placement -- [-LINK-]. Approved for SP grading.
Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 6 units
CSCI 191T. Introduction to Bioinformatics Computing
Prerequisite: CSCI 115, any Biology GE course or permission of instructor. Computational and algorithmic approaches in bioinformatics. Biological sequence alignment algorithms and heuristics. Study of bioinformatics tools. Combinatorial pattern matching, Motif finding, Gene prediction, Gene expression measurement, High throughput sequencing technologies and data analysis methodologies in molecular and micro-biology. Selected topics from current research.
Units: 3
CSCI 194. Cooperative Education
Prerequisites: courses appropriate to the work experience; approval by major department cooperative education coordinator. Integration of work experience with academic program, individually planned through coordinator. CR/NC grading only.
Units: 1-4, Repeatable up to 8 units
CSCI 198. Project
Prerequisite: senior standing in computer science or permission of instructor and approved subject. See [-LINK-]. Study of a problem under the supervision of a faculty member. Presentation by the student in a seminar setting and a final report are required. Satisfies the senior major requirement for the B.S. in Computer Science. Approved for RP grading.
Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 200. Introduction to Research in Computer Science
Prerequisite: classified standing in computer science. Orientation to the graduate program, introduction to research methodology, and discussion of possible project and thesis topics.
Units: 1
CSCI 201. CSCI Colloquium
Prerequisite: CSCI 200 or permission by graduate coordinator. Colloquium in recent research in Computer Science. Students read, analyze, present, and discuss papers of recent research topics in Computer Science.
Units: 2
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
CSCI 213. Computer Organization
Prerequisites: CSCI 112 and CSCI 113 or permission of instructor. Organization of memory, I/O, and processors. Computer busses. Microprogramming and instruction execution. Interrupts. Data communications.
Units: 3
CSCI 217. Programming Language Principles
Prerequisite: CSCI 117 or permission of instructor. Advanced topics in programming languages: concurrency, exceptions, types, procedures, execution models. Introduction to the formal specification of programming languages: syntax specification, semantic specification.
Units: 3
CSCI 226. Advanced Database Systems
Prerequisites: CSCI 126 and CSCI 144. Implementation of database systems on modern hardware systems. Operating system design issues, including buffering, page size, prefetching, etc. Query processing algorithms; design of crash recovery and concurrency contro
Units: 3
CSCI 230. Advanced Web Application Development
Prerequisite: CSCI 130 or permission of instructor. Application development for the World-Wide Web. Three-tier architecture; authentication, capability, and session management; versioning and open-source development. Case studies and project work. (Formerly CSCI 291T)
Units: 3
CSCI 244. Operating Systems
Prerequisite: CSCI 144. Operating system functions. Performance monitoring and fine-tuning. Network operating system design. Concurrency, analysis of deadlock. Selected topics from current research.
Units: 3
CSCI 246. Computer Architecture
Prerequisite: CSCI 144 or permission of instructor. Contemporary computer architectures. Pipelined, superscalar, shared and distributed memory, multicore and embedded systems. Memory hierarchy, computer arithmetic, interconnection networks. Selected topics from current research.
Units: 3
CSCI 250. Advanced Software Engineering
Prerequisite: CSCI 150 or permission of instructor. Theoretical and practical aspects of software engineering emphasizing requirements analysis, specification, design, coding, testing, correctness, maintenance, and management. Examination of reliability, performance, and software metrics.
Units: 3
CSCI 252. Software Development and Environments
Prerequisite: CSCI 150 or permission of instructor. Overview of advanced and state-of-the-practice software engineering methodologies and techniques for software development, software environments, software verification, software planning, or cost estimation. Selected topics from current research.