
You’ll gain hands-on experience in the studio, mastering concepts and skills by putting them into practice. Move from existing skills, ideas and viewpoints to new ones.
Work in all the varieties of media we have to offer – paint, draw, sculpt, photograph, design in our digital media lab, and so much more. You’ll acquire a high level of competency while discovering your own unique interests and point of view. Written assignments and research supporting work in the studio are integral elements of the art major. Field trips and visiting artist events support effective and in-depth learning.
Through art history, explore the visual arts from prehistory to the present. Study in art history combines the critical methodologies of history with the visual, physical and aesthetic qualities of art and architecture. Art history is a way to look at all of history and society from a visual and cultural perspective.
Requires a bachelor of arts degree and consists of a minimum of 36 semester hours distributed as follows:
Three courses (9 credits):
ART-120 Introduction to Visual Design
ART-130 Introduction to Drawing
Any digital media course at the 300-level
Art History
Three courses (9 credits):
ART-200W Survey of Art History (prehistory to 1400)
ART-201 Survey of Art History (1400 to Present)
ART-300W Modern & Post-Modern Art
ART-301W Perspectives on Contemporary Art
Studio Focus
Select four studio courses including at least one 400-level course from the following:
ART-310 Ceramic Sculpture
ART-311 Wheel Thrown Ceramics I
ART-315 Kinetic Sculpture
ART-322 Web Design and Development
ART-323 Graphic Design
ART-328 Exploring the Book Arts
ART-331 Collage and Assemblage
ART-332 Drawing Marathon
ART-335 Painting
ART-344 Photography
ART-346 Lighting Workshop for Photographers
ART-347 Videography
ART-411 Wheel Thrown Ceramics II
ART-415 Advanced Sculpture
ART-430 Advanced Drawing
ART-435 Advanced Painting
ART-470 Special Topics
ART-471 Special Topics in Photography: the Photo Book
ART-490 Independ Study
Two courses (6 credits):
ART-451 Senior Thesis
ART-461 Professional Practices