
Civil Engineering
Civil engineers are problem solvers who utilize sophisticated technologies to find solutions to the challenges facing society. A civil engineer plans, designs and supervises construction of numerous facilities required by modern society.
These facilities exist in both the public and private sectors, and vary in scope and size. Examples of civil engineering projects include space satellites and launching structures, offshore drilling platforms, bridges, highways, buildings, transportation systems, dams, irrigation systems, water supply and treatment systems, flood control facilities, solid and hazardous waste management, and environmental restoration.
Why Study Civil Engineering At CIW?
Civil engineers have important roles in design, management, regulatory enforcement, and policy development. To participate in this broad scope of activities, civil engineers require technical and problem solving skills, and the ability to communicate clearly and concisely.
Students completing the requirements for a degree in civil engineering have a choice of technical electives from four areas: environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and water resources engineering. Students may enroll in an environmental engineering concentration requiring additional course work which provides a strong background in the essential areas of environmental engineering.