
Advanced biochemistry courses (course numbers 400 and above) require completion of four semesters of chemistry (two of general chemistry and two of organic). A grade of C- or better is required in the prerequisite classes for enrolling in biochemistry courses.
In addition to fulfilling the major requirements of chemistry and biochemistry majors, biochemistry courses are taken by students in a variety of majors and programs, including Biology, Animal and Avian Science, and Nutritional Science.
Biol 204 - Biochemistry (spring)
Biol 205 - Cell Biology (fall)
Biol 404 - Immunobiology (currently offered only through LPS)
Biol 405 - Role of Innate Immunity (fall)
Biol 406 - Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Biology (spring)
Biol 407 - Cancer Cell Biology (fall in 2018)
Biol 421 - Molecular Genetics (fall)
Biol 425 - Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab (fall and spring)
Biol 442 - Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (spring odd)
Biol 448 - Principles of Drug Action (fall)
Biol 480 - Advanced Cell Biology (spring)
Biol 484 - Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton (fall)
Biol 486 - Cell Division and the Mitotic Spindle (spring even)
Biol 215 - Vertebrate Physiology (fall and spring)
Biol 436 - Molecular Physiology (fall)
Biol 438 - Systems Biology: Integrative Physiology and Biomecahnics of the Muscular System (spring)
Biol 444 - Molecular Evolution of Physiological Functions (fall even)
Biol 221 - Molecular Biology and Genetics (fall and spring)
Biol 354 - Developmental Biology (fall)
Biol 404 - Immunobiology (currently offered only through LPS)
Biol 407 - Cancer Cell Biology (fall in 2018)
Biol 421 - Molecular Genetics (fall)
Biol 422 - Human Genetics and Genomics (spring odd)
Biol 425 - Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab (fall and spring)
Biol 431 - Genome Science and Genomic Medicine (spring)
Biol 437 - Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling (fall)
Biol 444 - Molecular Evolution of Physiological Functions (fall even)
Biol 475 - Advanced Microbiology (not offered every year)
Biol 483 - Epigenetics (fall)
Biol 485 - The RNA World: A Functional and Computational Analysis (spring even)
Biol 488 - Advanced Topics in Behavioral Genetics (spring even)
Biol 522 - Human Evolutionary Genomics (spring even)
Biol 540 - Genetic Systems (spring)
Biol 230 - Evolutionary Biology (spring)
Biol 325 - Marine Biology (not offered every year)
Biol 330 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Evolution (spring)
Biol 354 - Developmental Biology (fall)
Biol 400 - Field Botany (fall)
Biol 410 - Advanced Evolution (fall odd)
Biol 417 - Theoretical Population Biology (spring)
Biol 422 - Human Genetics and Genomics (spring odd)
Biol 450 - Plant Systematics (not offered every year)
Biol 231 - Animal Behavior (not offered every year)
Biol 432 - Animal Cognition (not offered every year)
Biol 488 - Advanced Topics in Behavioral Genetics (spring even)
Biol 240 - Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems (fall)
Biol 140/440 - Humans and the Environment (fall)
Biol 325 - Marine Biology (not offered every year)
Biol 400 - Field Botany (fall)
Biol 414 - Advanced Ecology (not offered every year)
Biol 415 - Freshwater Ecology (spring)
Biol 423 - Plant Ecology (not offered every year)
Biol 437 - Introduction to Computatonal Biology & Biological Modeling (fall)
Biol 446 - Statistics for Biologists (fall)
Biol 450 - Plant Systematics (not offered every year)
Biol 469 - Plant Physiology Through Space and Time (spring)
Biol 556 - Advanced Statistics (not offered every year)
Biol 251 - Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (1.5 cu; fall)
Biol 432 - Animal Cognition (not offered every year)
Biol 436 - Molecular Physiology (fall)
Biol 438 - Systems Biology: Integrative Physiology and Biomechanics of the Muscular System (spring)
Biol 442 - Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (spring odd)
Biol 451 - Neural Systems and Behavior (spring)
Biol 375 - Microbial Diversity and Pathogenesis (spring)
Biol 376 - Microbial Diversity and Pathogenesis Lab (spring)
Biol 406 - Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Biology (spring)
Biol 475 - Advanced Microbiology (not offered every year)
Additional Biology Courses
Biol 199 - Clinical Independent Study Study
Biol 399 - Independent Study (fall and spring)
Biol 446 - Statistics for Biologists (fall)
Biol 556 - Advanced Statistics (not offered every year)
Courses for Non-majors
Biol 011 - Humans in the MIcrobial World (not offered every year)
Biol 014 - Descent with Modification (fall even)
Biol 015 - Biology of Human Disease (spring)
Biol 017 - The Biology of Food (spring even)
Biol 021 - This is Your Genome (freshman seminar, fall)
Courses cross-listed with other Departments: These courses are equivalent and are treated as biology course regardless of the course number under which you enroll
Bibb 231 and Psyc 231 are equivalent to Biol 231
Bibb 251 is equivalent to Biol 251
Bibb 432 and Psyc 431 are equivalent to Biol 432
Bibb 442 and Psyc 421 are equivalent to Biol 442